Amazon update blocks Fire OS 3rd party ADB use

You were more than likely chatting to someone sitting under a coconut tree in Sri Lanka :joy:

Mine still works os… no problem

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Are you using Fire Stick 4K Max 16 gb? Doesn’t work on mine.


this will be the death of fireStick!

So You’re saying the best move is to ditch the Fire Stick and go to the Fire Cube?

Amazon messing with their customers.I guess they won’t leave well enough alone!!!

Just want to say it is time to move on. The firestick is not yours. It belongs to Amazon. They tell you what you can and cannot do with it. There are many android devices out there that range from inexpensive to high end. But, it is yours to do whatever you want to do with it. By the way, the firestick makes an excellent paper weight.

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Being an old guy, I have become comfortable setting up Firesticks. I am not sure I can learn a new system. Hopefully I can adjust. Is the Android system hard to set up?

No system is hard to learn. It’s all about the repetition.

Does Troy have the detailed instructions like he has for the Firestick?

Detailed instructions for what exactly?

no the best move is to get away from the amazon fire anything.

I think he’s talking about Android TV. Maybe. Or Google.TV. Not sure. But there are videos and tutorials for the setup of most devices here and lots of Threads for setting up apps on those systems and devices.

Honestly guys, not sure what system I am talking about. I have to decide what I would replace my Firesticks with that is USER friendly….for me. Maybe Android?? I want 4K and 5.1 capabilities.

If you want simple then start with a cheap ONN, but if you’re real fussy about your picture then try something else. It all depends on how much money you want to spend and what you’ll use your device for.

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If you get a 4k onn box


Thanks. I will pay for a great picture(4k) and sound. I just hope there are directions available that are somewhat easy to follow.

If you can’t find what you need, using the site search, then please feel free to PM me and I’ll help you find the answers you need, and help you learn how to use the site to get answers to your questions.


Appreciate it!

Troy has a great video on setting up an Onn box. Once you watch it I would suggest watching his video review of setting up the Mecool KM2 plus deluxe and you will see it is easy peasy. And is worth it. Good luck.

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