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I have an IPTV service that until recently offered a premium, basic, back-up, epg and VOD. They have had server issues and on Saturday October 9, 2021 lost connection right before PPV fight in Vegas. This guy is a reseller and he’s all over the place. I’m just looking for something more stable. Any ideas?


What is the password for unlinked? I followed the instructions, but then it asks for a password, but a password was not required for instructions.

12341234 this is the password for unlinked

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A post was split to a new topic: Discovery plus help

How come TROYPOINT has not tackled the problems with several sites comes up with this NO STREAM AVAILABLE. Can this be fixed?

I have been meaning to send this, I have been a cord cutter for quite some time now and have had your website, I just wanted to send out a HUGE SHOUTOUT to you on tips and advice on how to get my firesticks operating correctly. Without your direction, I’d be a lost little puppy, again THANK YOU again for giving us cord cutters advice and direction!