5 reasons why Linux will overtake Windows and MacOS on the desktop - eventually

i like that i can hack almost any windows app and use it for free?
that’s a lot of free stuff that i don’t pay for?
maybe it’s just me?..lol

My Wife said the same thing about my firestick, I was using the file manager and when she saw the screen she freaked out!!!.
I guess Linux is out for me LOL!!!

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I cannot believe I have read all these comments. One thing that jumps out at me. Though touched on several times no one seems to connect the dots. LINUX runs the world. Don’t believe me? Every cloud based Server platform runs on Linux. Even Micro Soft’s AZURE, every car we drove have a Linux OS that runs the onboard computer system. Every modern Juke Box and Video game runes on a Nix OS at its core. Even your microwave and TV, I could go on but I am sure you get my point. Simply put Nix all ready has and always will dominate as far as total systems running the Nix OS. This conversation is really about users and what they perfer. I can make that easy as well. There are only two types of PC Users. Ones that want it to work with no effort and those like all of us here that want to know how it works. So we build our own systems and customize our desto to suite ourselfs. I started with Debian years ago, I now use LMDE due to it being the root OS that I cam most comfortable with. In closing. Since no one ownes Nix and no one keeps count of the installs. The true number of users will never be known. But rest assured. It was never a contest. Linux rules the world.


I think I read this article 7 years ago…still waiting. LOL

That’s pretty much correct. Under the hood, linux (an evolution of Unix) runs just about everything.
AFA windows vs Linux distributions?
The couple of distributions that I’m familiar with are just as user friendly as Windows 10 or 11; it’s just little differences at times for some applications.

MS-Dos, Windows 3.1 (a very poor Macintosh knock-off) and all the subsequent Bill Gates stuff were & are built upon the shoulders of Unix.
The problem, as I’ve pointed out, is the shear number of Linux options for end users makes it too difficult for software companies to make money and to support their wares.

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I ran my casaos server on LMDE…and its flawless :sunglasses:

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Lots of true statements here BUT it seems some have lost sight of the TOPIC: 5 reasons why Linux will overtake Windows and MacOS on the desktop - eventually

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You’ve forgotten a major reason why Linux is built into so many back-ends and companies infrastructures.

It is FREE.

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Im trying out zorin os right now. Just installed it and getting the feel of it. I think its better than windows already.

Of all the Distros Ive tried over the years, I keep going back to Zorin. Im still slowly learning command line stuff even at my ripe ol’ age!!

I wanna learn how to install apks on zorin… i havent had a lot of time yet to figure it out