WIFI 6 how does it work if your router or modem don’t offer it

Ok, so I have Frontier 500/500 . Frontier tells me I need to use their router ? If I purchase a new 6e router will I be able to use it without Frontiers router ? Thanks

You are not required to use Xfinity provided hardware only. You can use any modem or modem/router that is compatible with their fiber. They should be able to provide a list of approved modems that you can use in place of leasing their equipment (e.g. Verizon G3100, Arris nvg468mq, etc.).

Once you provide your own compatible modem, you’ll probably have to call them to provision the modem so that their network sees your modem. You can then piggy back any router that you want to invest in, including wifi 6(e) models.

I rarely have ever used my ISP provided hardware. Silly to pay their fees to use their modem or enable the wifi.

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