Wi-Fi 7 arrives in full early 2024, promises 5x speed boost over Wi-Fi 6

Wi-Fi 7 arrives in full early 2024, promises 5x speed boost over Wi-Fi 6 | TechSpot


I saw this yesterday. We’re using WiFi 6 right now and not sure why we would need 7 lol

Still trying to figure out why 6E was a thing if they knew Wifi7 was coming out sooner than later.

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I saw a full review for the wifi 7 tech and seems to be huge improvement has significant improvement in signal range and wifi had a strong signal all the way in basement 1 or 2 floors below the router/modem and even outside signal stretched to backyard just get enough towers for size of house it’s installed in. From what I have seen in reviews it’s very promising especially if you use it with wifi 7 devices once they start to roll out think there’s one currently with wifi 7 capabilities.if it is true we could get hardwired speeds and signal strength from WiFi that’s what some have said exciting if it comes true


Wonder how long it is going to take devices to catch up with Wifi7?

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Now if our internet provider would get 6 and/or 7.