VPN Safety Dot Update

I went to start the safety dot this morning and a new update is available. I updated and it did change the page layout but all is good.


I saw that while ago and uninstalled it till I could find some info about it.
I have wondered ever since i installed it why is it such a large file ? like 80 meg
just wondering


No idea. Haven’t had time to even realize that🤣

It has some options that take additional coding like multiple warning icons and integration into the system. So 80 Meg isn’t all that big.


I saw that but didn’t try it. Have you?

I’ve used vpn safety dot since it came out. I use the thumb up and thumb down symbol.


Was wondering if I could put my Grandson’s mug on there LOL

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I haven’t played around with the new options to make your own symbol. The thumb does for me for now

I uninstalled it after it kept telling me there is a update. I then reinstalled it and no questions yet. :slight_smile:
I really like it myself.glad the green dot is on my screen

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Love the dot. Great recent addition to my cord cutting arsenal.


I did the update and everything is fine did it day’s ago everything is working great app . Have it on my Nvidia shield


Is the green dot the one that you can download from widget list? I have one that either say on or off. For my IpVanish service

It is a green dot but not sure about widget list. Mine came from RAI through @TROYPOINT


You can install either the 3 dot one, green for connected, yellow for connecting, red for disconnected, or the thumb up for connected or thumb down for disconnected. It’s down the bottom of the app under settings. You can also modify the transparency.


The update allows you to import your own images as well.


Will the safety dot work if the vpn is on my router? I have a flashrouter using Nord

It should I have IP vanish on mine and working fine although it’s always been quirky at times

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It’s not working, did the install, installed the troypoint button, it just flashes not working even after firestick restart, vpn is showing as connected on the flashrouter app.

Make sure you have the latest FireTV version 1.90

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I have a firestick4k the current version is Fire OS, checked for updates, apparently it is up to date. Not sure what else I can do…:thinking:

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