I have seen this before. In system on kodi20. 2 surfshark VPN is on and not bypass Kodi matter fact I don’t use bypass. It shows my correct IP address. If it shows on Kodi 20.2 then the add-ons I have installed must have access to it also? Can any of you smart tec guys explain to me. Because why am I paying for the VPN if it’s showing up? Thanks for putting me at easy in advance.
Hello @Paddyboy57 where are you looking at your IP address in Kodi? Keep in mind that all devices on your network have a local IP address such as, etc. You don’t need to worry about your local IP addresses. The VPN blocks your “outside facing” or I should say, “public facing” IP address assigned to you by your ISP and that is what your VPN changes.
The best way to check this is to turn off your VPN and then go to the following address.
Connect to your VPN and go back to that website and you should see that your address has now changed. This is the IP address assigned to you by your ISP.
Thanks Troy I’m forever in ur Grace. That’s the exact ip address lol once again I want to thank you for being a trusted place for us please let me know how I can be able to help. I always go through ur place to order service