VPN Monitor Dot Free VPNSafetyDot


If you go into your settings, you will find it there. Just turn it on. Any probs, please get back to me.

I donā€™t use Nord, but I just think it is an interesting feature that I donā€™t remember seeing on any of the VPNs I have tried. I was trying to find it on their website to get a more detailed description of it, but Iā€™ve searched and donā€™t see it. Iā€™m wondering if they call it a different name.

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Found this:

ā€œNext up, NordVPN includes protection against whatā€™s called Tapjacking. Here, hackers sneak in and turn off the VPN protection, leaving the system wide open to attack. NordVPNā€™s anti-tapjacking technology requires you to confirm that you really want to turn off the VPN. It takes an extra tap and a second or two to turn off the VPN, but is much safer.ā€

I love learning new things!

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@AMD237 It doesnā€™t turn off the vpn. This switch, when enabled, turns on anti tapjacking. Thus it prevents anyone turning off your vpn and leaving you unprotected against people trying to hack your system.

That wasnā€™t from their website, but finally found something on the Nord siteā€¦ "Tapjacking protection : keeps you safe from unintentional disconnects by requiring 2 steps to disable VPN. "

Iā€™d love to know more in detail how exactly this technology works, how well it works, and why it isnā€™t on other VPNs.

@AMD237 Suggest you write to your vpn provider and ask tge question.


Since SS and Nord are owned by the same people. Does SS have this tapjacking protection?

Is the Kill Switch the same thing?

Iā€™m still confused as to how an app that requests permission to run an overlay on your device could possibly override a feature in your VPN. I somehow doubt that it turns your tap jacking feature off. It may simply be that it overrides tapjacking for the overlay feature which a number of apps do, but I donā€™t think that means that it ā€œdisablesā€ the feature or that you are left open to any malicious intent. But Iā€™m no expert. If I had, or used Nord, I would certainly contact them and request clarification and not just shut off a safety app for a ā€œwarningā€.


Iā€™m not sure, but Iā€™m intrigued by this new information. I was going to reach out to SS, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll get much of an answer from their customer service techs.

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@Miki . Many thanks for the info. I am slightly confused now. I have just reinstalled it. Started my vpn and " prevent tapjacking " is still enabled.

So, i will give it a trial run.

Wow. That is odd. Iā€™m wondering if the initial warning was just a coincidence. :man_shrugging:

Possibly. Will trial it over the next few days. No warning this time. Just a notification that vpn overlay is active in my pull down notifications.

Well honestly thatā€™s a good thing. Iā€™ll keep my fingers crossed.

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Android Tapjacking Vulnerability


Quincy, thanx it worls like a charm

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That Downloader code is not one that I generated, so I donā€™t know where you found that one.

The official downloader code is 912985.

Also, the official website is: www.MonitorDOT.com

The new version has an exclusive new feature that allows you to set the brightness and flash rate for the Green dot separately from the brightness and flash rate of the Red dot.

Please let me know how you like it :slight_smile:


When I download and attempt to install the Monitor Dot app, I get a Google Play Protect ā€œHarmful app blockedā€ warning! Nobody has mentioned this - is it safe to install being that it is still listed in the Troypoint Toolbox???