Using Proton E-Mail Address for creating an 🍎 I.D

I thinking of purchasing Proton Mail and was wondering if anyone has used a Proton email address for an Apple I.D. and if so, did you encounter any issues in doing so? Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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That is a great question. What you can do with apple is purchase additional storage which adds HIDE MY EMAIL. The price would equate but does not cover another email address provider outside of Apple. Proton I believe cover all your email addresses. It might be possible to use free Proton for one of your emails outside of apple. If you come to conclusions let me know.

Thank you for your response. I currently use a free, well known, email provider as my :apple: ID. I would like to move to a more secure provider like Proton mail and was hoping someone here has already used a Proton email address as an :apple: ID and could share their experience. Once I make a decision on what I’m going to do, I will definitely share.

I have used free Proton E:mail for over 2 years without any issues. I never get spam, emails are encrypted end to end and here in Canada the top 5 banks will only allow proton email to be used for verification codes, no other email can say that.

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Thank you for your response. It’s greatly appreciated.

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