Updating Seren Kodi Addon Without Losing Anything

Is there a way to update to the newest Seren build without losing your favorites, Real Debrid, and Trakt? I’ve updated once and had to redo everything - now there’s another recommended update to a newer version, and I was hoping one of you esteemed members could explain how to do this without losing all saved information. Thanks, in advance, for any help you can provide!

I have the same question. But it appears you never got an answer? Did you figure it out yourself and what was the solution?

I am a little confused. Does Seren have its own build? I thought it was just an addon.

If you are updating to a newer Kodi and just use Seren then there isnt much to carry over. Trakt will keep.a record of your account after you log back in. RD will just need to be reauthorized.

If you are talking about specific build I guess it may depend on the repo wizard and if the settings allow you save info after you update. Some people have updated to 21 with no problems and some have had to set up all over again.

Yeah I was a bit confused by his (mjohnson442) original post myself, but it was close enough to my question…which is I’m running an EstuaryFlix 1.6 Build and it’s giving me an update message that “Version 1.7 is available for install”. I don’t want to do the update if it means I’m going to have to go back in again and re-enter my login and password from things like Subtitles, TRAKT, and Real-Debrid. So I’ve been searching as to if anyone knows the answer to my question…Can you simply update a build and wil it maintain all your existing “stuff” for those items? Or will you have to redo it all over again? (Frankly at this point I may just ignore the new version as everything is running so great I see not reason to mess with it)

Not familiar with that build. Does it have a “wizard” or someplace where you can save settings? Something like these pics.

If so then i guess the answer is yes if you apply the setting.

In my experiences as long as you are updating the same build under the same Kodi generation it should carry over. But i cant guarantee as i am not a developer and dont know what needs to be done in the coding for this to happen.

Ok I am going to answer this for you…probably.

I downloaded the Estuary 1.7 build on Kodi 20.5 using Troy’s instructions.

If its the same as what you have in 1.6 you should have the 70f9 wizard in the “addons” section.

Once you open the Wizard go to “settings”. Then to “Save items”. Highlight the “Save Trakt and Debrid” if not already highlighted. Mine was highlighted as a default setting. Don’t forget to highlight the other setting if you want them with thr update.

Also, you may want to look into using the Account Manager, also in Addons section. It keeps your trakt and debrid logins if you need to reauthorize your accounts with a addon.

Hope this helped.

Yeah that’s what I’ve thought as well. As long as it’s a version update number “after the decimal”, it should be OK. (and as long as you’re not doing a Kodi update). But for some reason I seem to recall having had issues before - juts can’t remember the details. I’ll look tonight at the EstuaryFlix build as I see from the picture I took that the update came up in some “Funswizard” message.

Ok. I am sure it gives you the same options to save things.

To be honest, its not that big of a deal even if you had to reauthorize a few addons for debrid and trakt. How many are you actually using? Most people I’m sure have a “go to” addon and a few just in case the “go to” didnt work. No need to have addons you don’t use logged into Debrid or trakt.

But Account Manager makes it easier for sure. You can log in once and it will authorize all of the addons at one click. And today it just reminded me that my Debrid account expires in 14 days.

In the end, worst case is you log in once again until the next update.

That’s exactly how I feel. Yes its NBD to redo it, but I thought I’d ask around beforehand. And right now I’m just going to sit tight as things are working flawlessly, knock-on-wood. Even downgraded my ISP to 100mps and with RD I’m still getting 1080 streams no problem. (So IOW I dare not touch A THING!). But I am going to check the Wizard stuff as suggested, and who knows maybe I’ll find I already had entered it all in there and forgot. Still…wishing my MacMini HTPC hadn’t bit-the-dust as it was so much more elegant and fast to use than this leftover 4KFirestick I’m on now. THANKS for all your suggestions, BTW.

No problem. Let me know how it works out when you do decide to update.