Unlinked Downloads

Where do the apk’s from Unlinked get downloaded to? I can’t find it anywhere on my Fire Stick 4k. Thanks for any help.

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In something like ES Filexplorer do a search for APKs.
defsquid.com also has a great app that you can choose to delete APKs during the cleanup process.


Thanks Miki, Downloaded with Unlinked, searched with ES and still can’t find it. However, I do like the DefSquid apk you recommended. It works well.

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There is also a way to delete it in unlinked. What you will need to do is click on the app icon on unlinked a total of 3 times.
1st time is to download the app
2nd time is to “launch” the app which starts the install process
3rd time, now this is where you have an option that says “delete”. This does not delete the app you just install but does delete the apk off your system.

Have fun and STREAM ON.



In es file explorer look for link.unlinked your files it downloads will be in there. After your apk installs you can delete them.

Edit: if your looking for the place unlinked stores them outside the app, that’s where. Data link.unlinked.

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In unlinked one you click to download wait for it to finish then click on it again and hit launch.

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Then when done the install click the app once again in unlinked and click delete and the apk will be deleted.

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I just downloaded Defsquid and damn…very nice!


Yea its cool but dont forget what they did to that squid :grimacing:

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