Unable To Transfer From The Fire Toolbox From PC to Fire HD10

I have a question.

I have tried over 10 USB-C cables to connect my Fire HD 10 to my PC. I cannot get the tablet and PC to connect. No matter what I do. I’ve tried rotating the USB C side.


Anyone know of a possible cause? I can’t believe 10 cables are all defective.

Or know if a way to get the apps you download over to the Fire Tablet?

it would help if we knew the exact OS of your computer.

My apologies. Windows 11. If there is any more info you need please let me know.

I’d love to get this resolved.

I believe you go into settings and you switch it from charging to data transfer. The USB that is.

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On the PC or on the tablet?

Unfortunately I have tried most of those and had zero luck.

On the PC, at least that’s how you do it on10