I had a pop-up inform me when I first powered on today. If you need the ur02 updater app, I can send you the file or I think I downloaded it from Ugoos telegram channel.
Sure enough it’s there if you search on Telegram
I had a pop-up inform me when I first powered on today. If you need the ur02 updater app, I can send you the file or I think I downloaded it from Ugoos telegram channel.
Sure enough it’s there if you search on Telegram
A while back I ordered another ur02 and I just started using it yesterday because the first one was acting up too much as far as double clicking or not clicking so I can’t really tell. I’ll have to check the original and see if it’s any better.
Edit: nope the original is still just not right, same thing.
Tx @PapaS I checked and already have that version #. But now I have the updater app for the remote. Cool. Tx.
It’s just a matter of applying more pressure when pressing the buttons.
When you press the button just check the led is lighting up.
If not it’s the amount of pressure you are applying.
The ur01 remote doesn’t need as much pressure on the buttons when using it.
Where did you order the replacement ur02 remote?
I found a new one on ebay. Paid $22.99 US
Thanks, i will take a look on uk ebay. There is some on aliexpress but cant be too sure they’re genuine lol.
Mine is from Ali and it seems genuine and has the same internals as the ur01 that came with my Ugoos device.
Well except for the extra buttons and the configuration.
I know because I have had them both apart lol