Ugoos SK1 ...A new line from UGOOS

When in the course of human events that it becomes necessary………
Don’t tell the wife! :zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face::zipper_mouth_face:


I don’t have any tv boxes (I envy all people here for having the box :slightly_smiling_face: and regret I am in a poor third world country :tired_face:). So, I use Kodi on my tv.
I face same issue when using Kodi on tv. If I pause and resume after few minutes, video freezes and I have to start from beginning. Did this trick solve the issue?


Just make sure that you clear cache on your tv and delete any apps that you dont need.

Are you connecting your tv by ethernet or wi fi?

Ethernet is limited to 100Mbps, so using WiFi.

Ok. What speeds are you getting on speedtest with wi fi?

Setting the Screensaver to start at 5 minutes seems to be the fix for me on this issue. So far😅

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Around 200Mbps.

Mine was set at 2 hrs, just changed to 5 mins.

Let us know if that solves it. Good luck :+1:


Ok. I think @PapaS might have found the answer. But…as you are using a tv to stream Kodi, you may find that tv is limited in Ram and storage.

Clear the cache and remove any unwanted apps.

When you stop the video and then return to it, the tv processor may not be able to deal with it.


This may explain it better:

The device hardware cannot handle the stream either due to buffer cache in RAM or hardware/software accelerated decoding is too much load to handle for the CPU and GPU.

Ya, I had read about the limited capability too. I just hope SK1 price is reduced to less than 100 bucks and probably I would be able to afford my first box :wink:

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LOOKING TO SAVE $$$… look into an older AM6B Plus. Great box but just from 2021.


@PapaS and @sim_bill and for anyone else who has the UR02 remote.

Just a heads-up if you have not seen it. Updates for UR02:

Thanks much. Doesn’t appear this update is available off the SK 1 yet. Below is a screen shot of latest pre-release 1.3.7, which doesn’t include the controller enhancement.

I havent installed 1.3.7beta yet, because when i did, it messed up my audio. I was not alone in experiencing this, and sent my findings to the Ugoos founder.

I reverted back to version 1.3.5 until the 1.3.7 beta issues are resolved.

Your image is for the Szk1 device update. The UR02 remote update is a separate and different update and not contained within the SK1 update programme.

From the link i sent you, click on it and this will open the update link, download it, install it, and click on " check for updates"

Then a new screen will appear with changelog. Scroll down and click on update.

I got the update about 11pm last night, a notification popped up asking if I wanted to update. :+1:

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That’s great. Enjoy your SK1🙏🏻

I’m lovin it.:slightly_smiling_face::+1: