Trouble copying files from laptop to buzz tv using es file explorer


I am looking to transfer my Kodi backup files from my laptop to a buzz tv box I purchased. Before I was using a firestick and I was quickly able to transfer files using the “View on PC” function in ES File Explorer.

Attempting to use the same setup, I am getting failures on every action I tried whether it’s copying to the buzz tv or deleting files through ES File Explorer. Has anyone been able to successfully copy files to the buzz tv box? Is there a permission setting I am missing somewhere? Does the buzz tv box need to be rooted or anything?

Any files I need transferred to the buzz box so far I’ve been successful using my Proton drive with the Proton drive apk or with a browser signing in to the cloud.

The solution that worked for me was to stop trying to write to Android/data.

I used the instructions located at the following URL to change Kodi’s data path to a place I could write to and that got me up and running.


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