Tivimate Open On Start Default Channel Hack

If you use the “Open Last Channel” feature using Tivimate but would rather like to set a default channel to open with instead of the last channel viewed. I figured out a simple workaround to accomplish this task.

All you do is select the channel you wish to open using Tivimate on startup and set your “Reminders” to auto switch channels and have the Reminder set to “Watch”.

  1. Configure “Reminders” Settings>Other>Reminders>Configure your settings and set "Default Action Watch>Enable "Wake up from sleep

  2. Using your epg guide page. Select the channel and time you wish to use for Tivimate to open with.

You can set as many reminders as your epg guide shows info for. So, if you have 3 day, 7 days, etc., epg data. Then you can set for that many days. If your provider’s epg only populates for 24 hours. Then you can only set your reminder for 1 day at a time.

However, here is a script you can add to the end of your epg url to possibly extend out your epg days. This is the script to add, &next_days=7

This is an example of what the epg url will look like, http://xxxxxxxxxx.xyz:2082/xmltv.php?username=xxxxxxxxxxx&password=xxxxxxxxxxx&next_days=7

You may experience different results when using this script. It depends on how many day epg data your provider actually has. I get about 2-3 days on my epgs urls when using this. There are some people saying they are getting 7 days. You can try it and see. If you see no difference. Then you can just remove the script. Also, if you see no difference. I found clearing epg data and then update epg data helped when using this script.

Also, when configuring your Reminder settings and you set the Default Action to Watch. Then you TV and device will automatically wake up and turn on and play the channel you selected. If you do not want the TV to turn on. Then you will need to disable your CEC. However, doing so will mean you will have to turn on your TV separately using your TV remote. I use my setup kind of like an alarm clock. I have it set to open my news program at 6:00 a.m. daily. So, my TV will actually turn on and play that channel. This would be a nice idea to do when staying at a hotel and taking a device along with you.

Anyway, this hack works for me. lol

Btw, Sparkle TV already has the option to select a default channel to open with.


Removed reply due to re-reading it while less sleep deprived…(it seemed good at the time…errrr WRONG!!)

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Maybe I’m missing something but isn’t it easier to use Open Last Channel and just go to the channel you want to start with at next start before you shut down?


Yes, you can do that, too. However, I like to hear the morning news while I am putzing around in the kitchen making my breakfast.

It’s just an alternate for those who wish to kind of set an opening default channel.

Besides, you can use this hack also as an alarm clock, too. The device and TV will wake up and auto play the selected channel.

Sparkle will let you set a default opening channel, but Tivimate does not.

If you are satisfied with only using the ‘Last Channel’ then have at it. This hack is just that…a hack.

Btw, it takes me about 5-10 seconds to set my Reminders for the work week in the guide. That’s pretty simple imho. lol