TiviMate IPTV Player 5.1.0


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I’m new with Tivimate …can you update your existing app or do you have to download the new version and start over?

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Yes at least in the free version you can. Go to settings, about, then scroll down to check for new version.

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you can update through the play store


That’s what I was looking for …I assume it installs right over the older version and you don’t have to set up you IPTV service again?


You are correct. It will update seamlessly with all your settings remaining intact.

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Just to be sure I always do a backup of my setup before doing an update.


Thank you guys …will do a backup and an update tonight.

That’s what I’m wondering with the premium account if it’s seamless and won’t have to go back through the entire process and losing favorites.

You can also update using the app. You just need to disable the Play Store first and then go to your Tvimate’s app setting>About>Check for new version


The Premium version does not update through the app or through the play store.

My premium Tivimate updated through the playstore.

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My TiViMate updated through the playstore once I enabled the playstore on my Shield Pro. But there is no update link within the app for me.

Once you “disable” the Google Play Store app, clear cache/force stop on your Tivimate app. Then open Tivimate and you will see the options that @Powerfader shows above. Once Play store is enabled again, those options go away. Either way works, I just let Play store update for me.


Tbh, I haven’t noticed anything updated with this update. lol

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that worked. However following those steps deleted everything from my account and I had to manually add playlists, favorites, etc.
Definitely not worth it. Very frustrating

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Nothing should have been deleted unless you cleared data instead of cache in the Tivimate app. Even then, you should always have a Tivimate backup file saved to be able to easily get back to your current setup.

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Nope only cleared the cache.

Very odd indeed as it worked for me on a Shield Pro. This is why I always suggest doing a backup before updating.