The Ease of Buying Pirate Streaming Devices & Legal Issues

Originally published at: The Ease of Buying Pirate Streaming Devices & Legal Issues

In today’s digital landscape, obtaining a pirate streaming device with a built-in IPTV subscription is surprisingly straightforward. These devices, which offer thousands of TV channels, pay-per-view events, video-on-demand, and even catch-up TV, are readily available through major online retailers like Amazon. Devices such as Tanggula, vSeeBox, and Superbox are marketed with the convenience of next-day…


Amazingly no action against the retail platforms - Facebook / Amazon


Unless sellers are trafficking humans or selling kiddy porn (which are obvious), it’s not the retail platform’s job to police whether products are legal, legit, or functional.


I’m still sad to this day a legit service like Locast was shutdown. A lot of cable subscribers have cable because they live in areas (like we do) where free antenna TV can’t reach. There is zero incentive to fix the problem because cable companies get to cash in on ppl who pay ridiculous fees for “basic” cable (when they shouldn’t be).

While I realize the IPTV offering in this lawsuit is much broader than just antenna TV - it points to the problem of ppl not wanting to pay what cable companies charge.

Locast is a good example of a service that was worth more than what they were asking. We would have been happy to pay 2-4x its $5/month cost if cable companies didn’t get so greedy & paying lawyers to sift through fine print. What is more annoying is the “law” didn’t recognize the need being fulfilled & order a different course of action to solve the real problem of giving citizens access to free TV as intended.

A big shout to all the IT technicians who got Locast infrastructure up & running. I’m sure it was a lot of work & it’s sad all of it just went into the ethers.

ok- I’m getting off my soapbox now.

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Kind of reminds me of the guy who uses his own car as a getaway car a bank robbery.! LOL. :rofl::rofl::sunglasses:


I remember that the ‘problem’ that the networks and local stations had was how the donated funds were being used claiming the the donations were in fact subscription fees.

The ‘broadcast fees’ that subscription services pay are a major source of income for the corps that own the locals.

There’s a local cell phone/computer repair shop that sells refurbed phones & computers and has been selling “jailbroken” firesticks for $70 for at least 6 years right out in the open.

I guess the secret is to stay slightly under the radar and don’t get greedy.

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This is kind of a strange case. Under dmca policy is usually for the media to notice them of a copyright infringement. This case these guys were selling products or devices so I don’t know how dmca would apply on this situation. Under dmca policy the individuals should have been noticed before action is taken.

its only the sellers that are targeted going after end user would be a lifetimes work

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Maybe these two people are illegals, and the cartells, and getting into a new business… you never know.
china will ship to to mexico, and they get flashed by somsone making $10 a day… or China will do all the work.
Sorry… I think outside the box… blame it on china…

People that had their sticks updated to block ADB, should mail them to this shop for a “flash” back to an older date… then block ANY updates from the Bezos machine.

Who in their right mind would mail a Firestick to Mexico to get flashed? First off, Firesticks are barely average streaming devices. Second off, there are tons of device options as good or better out there now. And third, Amazon doesn’t want us (cord cutters), why do we want them?

I think he ment jailbroken.

I think he meant to flash it to an older FireOS version, then try and block updates so that they work like they did a couple years back.

I lived in Mexico for 4 years. Taking an electronic device into any electronic repair shop there, is like taking a Ferrari to a bicycle repair shop, no guarantee you’ll ever get a working part, and certainly not an original manufacturer part, let alone programming without glitches.


You’re right my bad.

Yeah but what do you think your new Chevy came from! LOL. :rofl::sunglasses:

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I don’t believe that they really jailbreak them…I think that they just turn on developer options just like TP’s “jailbreaking” instructions.