Testing New Android APKs

This is mostly for those who love to try new apps(apk’s) various kodi builds etc.
…What ive started doing on a regular basis is use an older, cheaper android box, stock if you have one and install all your various apps on it that if it explodes or gets hacked…you simply wipe it and start over. Keep your fav, goto, must be ready aps on your fav box. This is great if you have a spare or can afford another cheapy. My nvidea shield stays tuned up with my “high Trust” apps…Tivimate, stremio, emby, dvr stuff…basically what you would consider essientials. I actually keep 3 boxes. My main shield as mentioned, a ugoos x4 with kodi and another ugoos x3 with all the riff raff :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:…redbox, sportsfire, livetvnet etc…etc. Its a great combo if you have the boxes laying around and extra hdmi ports.

A few month’s ago my shield was infected, long story and I did not mention it here as I quickly was able to start over and personally enjoy this stuff so no biggie for me but others might not want to be dealing with that. A backup box is a great idea imho if your up to it.

Food for thought :+1:


Or, just stop downloading random apps and use the ones that work. I stick with kodi,stremio,syncler,weyd and tivimate.


True, but if you do, this is a safeguard

Yea and no, If you happen to get a seriously bad app and someone gets on your network or your vpn or security is down then a cheap box wouldn’t help just hinder you. You are not wrong, this does help. If one can afford to do this, i’d get at least well used and well know cheaper boxes for testing purposes to keep the security risks down.

For example i have a x88pro, id use that for that random hillbilly xxx sketchy kodi addon i got from java jeebs spot. Important note, if you seem to have been infected… TURN OFF YOUR INTERNET.

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I agree but its not just about getting infected, its about a good backup. Everyone knows that its possible to just mess up an install. The good box bails you out so no one misses a show and all is well. Toss the play box in the corner and re-group :joy:

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If it’s possible and you don’t mind saying, could you share the name of the app or addon that you believe caused the infection?

Nobody here was infected, he was saying to use a backup or a another box for security. Helpful when using random apps you are un sure off if you stray away from the popular ones.

He said his Shield was infected a few months ago in the first post. At the bottom.

Oh right, sorry, I missed that part. Thank you.

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pretty sure it was redbox


Thanks for the info. Did you download it from a new place or procure it in a different way?

Its possible. I like to test out new apps and thats a bad thing but I still do it. Every now and them you find a gem. But I do grab alot of github stuff as well and you never know. Heck the playstore is notorius for malware. To continue I went with 3 boxes :joy: My main, my kodi builds and the rouge app box.


You and I are very much alike in our devices and methods. :smile: But this is the first I’ve personally heard of someone actually having an infection on their Shield. Interesting. Glad it wasn’t anything horrific and easily cured. :+1:t2:

it was more behaviour. Ive been doing this stuff a long time but more recently android. I ran an online tech support forum for years and back then mostly dealt with windows(the king of virus)…moved on to linux when I grew up :rofl:… and this was my 1st android issue. You notice things when theres an infection. In the old days a slooooow computer, glitchy mouse were possible signs. To me its fun, to others not so much :astonished: :skull_and_crossbones:


I love the whole hobby in general, and like you have been doing this kind of stuff for over 20 years. I find it fun to investigate and solve problems. But you’re right, most people just want a means to an end with no extra effort… meaning most people just want to watch tv, easily and safely. What’s probably fun to us is a headache to others. Understandably so.


heck, i’m retired…You gota have a hobby :rofl:…and as much fun as this is I prefer building to watching. Too much tv news will make you go crazy, So I work on boxes for tv and mostly listen to the radio :face_with_monocle: I have found that a 2nd and even a 3rd brings peace of mind knowing that I can screw up and still watch tv without having to make a mad scramble to fix it.


Bravo, you are preaching to the choir my friend! LOL, I honestly do spend more time tinkering and testing than watching. Have a good weekend TXRon! Maybe the rain will clear up for us :sun_with_face:


My official Frag Remote :joy: :alien: :astonished:


Did you run an anti-virus program to find and fix the infection? If so, which one? Or just do an oil change?

No I dont use anti-virus as a rule. I have access to clam AV if ever needed but as a linux user its very seldom a virus is seen in the wild.

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