TDUK App Killer Update

Not compatible with phone and I think tablets, also. Although, I am going to try and see if I can send the app to my tablet and see what happens.

I ran into the same issue trying to install it on my Fire HD tablet. I did contact TDUK and asked about this issue and here is his response to me.

"So the app looks for a “TV launcher” to determine compatibility, as a touchscreen device / fire tablet will not have this launcher, it won’t be compatible.

I guess I could see if I could make it work on a Fire tablet - maybe for a future update!"

Nothing says I can’t try at least. I have downloaded many apps that are for phones and not compatible with my Shields, but I have gotten them to work with varying success. Maybe it will work? :nerd_face:

Update: I just tried send the apps to my Samsung S8 phone and it would not install because of an OS issue. I will try on my tablet in a bit…got to charge it up.