Can someone tell me how to turn off subtitles in Syncler?
Under settings/playback:
Set use preloaded = off.
Set enable auto select = off.
To watch program, click the play bottom right of screen, ignore CC.
I tried the Rapid App installer to no avail. How are you guys getting this installed? Directions would be very much appreciated. Thank You and I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving.
I followed Troy’s instructions and installed it through Downloader. It’s a bit more complex than the other apps I’ve installed, but I got it going in about 30 minutes (I’m slow).
I followed Troy’s instruction and it failed to start. Needless to say I am pissed.
He had a link to instructions in today’s newsletter. Give it a try again. Go all the way to the end on the instructions.
I did but it still work work ;-(
I have those two settings to off, but I still get closed captioning or subtitles.
I figured out a way to do it, but I have to do it every time I watch something. As soon as the video starts, I hit pause. In the upper right corner is the CC option. Click on it and turn them off. It’s a tiny hassle, but it annoys me more to have the CC on.
Yeah I also have to turn it off every single episode… it’s annoying… but not as annoying as the CC…lol
If you’re using the built in exo player then go into settings on syncler find player settings, find exo player click on that and scroll down to subtitles and disable.Cheers !
Adding to the topic here, under settings and playback
Use preloaded subtitles when available off. That should help thus includes using other external players.
I have all those settings turned off also and I still get subtitles. I can’t do two things at one time, so I actually have to read the subtitles while I miss looking at the program. Somehow I managed to turn them off before, but I can’t figure it out now. I’m paid up till May and if I can’t get rid of the subtitles because the customer service is ridiculous, I’m not going to renew there are plenty of other options out there for free
If the subtitles are embedded on the stream itself. Then you cannot get rid them. The only option at that point is to select another stream to use.
Also, you can, when playing a feed, just click your Home Button and then scroll up to the CC option and click on it and then select None.
I’m using just player it’s has all the codecs and sub on/off …works good
Mimi is correct. I just shut off subtitles following his instructions.
Sorry Miki that was a typo
That’s what they call him down there in Mexico! lol
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