"Supercharging" the Dynalink Android box?

Has anybody attempted following the procedure that was laid out on the ONN video with a Dynalink?

Can’t be much different than the onn box, almost same specs.

According to Troy…no…but that was a year ago so not really sure if anything has changed.

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Based on Troy’s initial review, I bought the Dynalink when it was discounted at $30. I’ve used all the Fire sticks, dongle, and boxes and this became my goto device because it had TWICE the download speed of any of the Fire devices. Due to a better processor or wifi electronic bits I assume. Still use it in the kitchen, goto is now MeCool KM1 Deluxe. Funny thing is the remotes for the Dynalink and the MeCool are identical. I really like the Dynalink for that price though.

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