Suggestion for Troypoint

The one suggestion I have for Troy, is that when giving instructions on how to install a build on Kodi, tell what version of Kodi is needed for the build.



I have surfshark but still not sure how to get the “channels and feeds”. Is there somewhere I can look for step by step instructions on how to find all the stuff I’m supposed to get? I don’t have real debrid but I will if it is explained how to get the good stuff after signing up

Lol, anything past kodi 19 plus… Honestly its not that hard… Anything below that wont work. 19.3 or 20 is all you need…


Yes, I’m familiar with those lists. I’m talking about when he does a review of a build, there is no mention which Kodi build it’s compatible with.

Sorry but we don’t have the time to test each build with the different versions of Kodi. When you see a review from us we are always using the most stable release unless we specifically mention that we are using a lower version. Most popular addons and builds are now capable of running on Kodi 20 so really not worth bothering with all of this.


Testing and reporting is partially what this community is all about. Troy gives us the different fork versions to use, we can test the builds ourselves with his super convenient installation instructions. If you experiment and a build works on a version of Kodi different than last shown, publicize it here so that we all know.


Sketchy questions lead to Sketchy answers! My opinion, be very careful in requesting information that may lead to incorrect answer’s. Remember rules. Nothing illegal will be discussed…

If i over stepped my place Troy and fellow readers i am sorry. I know what I know about certain questions because of being ignorant with my search and getting… well lets just say I’ve learned.

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My one request is to just post the zip url and leave everything else out lol

Idk, every time I see someone wanting to revert back to an older version of Kodi I instantly wonder what you are doing wrong to cause the issues. I’m currently using an alpha version of Kodi 21 and I don’t even have any problems with that.


I agree. When I see a request to return to an old version of Kodi, my first thought is now less about compatibility and more about what said user may have not followed correctly to cause the issue. I have tried to recreate most of the Kodi compatibility issues I see here and I just can’t do it. Kodi 20 works fine for just about everything now, and as @Jayhawks659 mentioned, Kodi 21 will be right behind it. I think the users with issues are just panicking and requesting to go back to an old version that they believe in their mind once was “the best”. As we all know, Kodi is very dynamic and ever changing, so assuming old versions are the best now is just silly.