Originally published at: Spectrum & Comcast Lost Nearly 3 Million TV Subscribers in 2024
The decline of cable TV continued in 2024 as two of the most popular providers lost nearly 3 million subscribers from their TV customer base. Comcast, one of the nation’s leading telecommunications services had a difficult 2024 with over 1.5 million TV customers cancelling their subscription along with 400,000+ internet subscribers. This amounts to over…
Youcine is becoming a go-to alternative as Spectrum & Comcast lost nearly 3 million TV subscribers in 2024. Streaming services continue to reshape how people consume content!
Just yesterday I changed my Comcast plan to only include internet. No more local channels and other junk I didn’t use. My wife is not happy, but she is now using the ONN box to watch her news shows in the morning. Can’t wait for another provider to come to town that has the speed of Comcast. Google fiber or Quantum is rumored to be coming at some point
Sure doesn’t break my heart!!
Back in the early 90’s I worked for a video telecommunication company that was cutting edge at the time. That company went by the way because technology buried it and left it behind. During that time we had an company event where a telecommunication professional came to speak. She told us there would come a time when people would no longer have to pay for long distance. That was incredible news and hard to believe at that time. Here we are today and it has come to fruition. The cable companies don’t want to see the writing on the proverbial wall but their time is coming and I think they ALL know it’s coming. Markets move technology. What the customer wants, they will eventually get.
3 milliom lost in a year an they will still continue jacking up their prices . Just wait an see .
If these “BIG” company’s did not charge the earth for their services and make millions in profits, customers wouldn’t leave in droves.
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