Slow links in Xanax Build

I have set up the Xanax build . The links are very low. I am using real debrid. Is there any way to speed up the process? Thanks

I have deleted Kodi all together, Too Slow.

@mmusolf Look at Troypoint’s Supercharge guide. I’m assuming you use a Fire TV/Stick since you didn’t mention what you were using. Beside real-debrid there are other tweaks you can do that will improve speed.

Will check the Supercharge guide out. Thanks

Hi , I’ve had real issues with the Xanax build I think since an update I’ve deleted and reloaded it but without success. I’ve tried it on several devices Firestick,fire tv,Mecool m8s Pro l and my 256gb shield with no difference to performance it just drags its heels even on my shield so I’ve binned it and using the dream4ever raven build which works.

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Same here with xanax build. Anyone have any suggestions.

Great move. If it doesn’t work for you, move on…