side loading onto a ROKU device

Hi, i am trying to download smartersiptv onto my ROKU box using the troypoint tutorial. i get to step 12 where i install the rokuiptv app, then in step 13, where it says using the IP URL which is circled, i cannot find the IP URL. all i can find is the download file in my downloads, anyone have any idea where i am going wrong please. thank you.

According to @Jayhawks659 you no longer can do this as Roku has blocked it.

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From what I know I never thought it worth the trouble there’s away using ur computer I only use ruko for my apps history discovery national geographic you can’t even put your surf shock VPN on a Roku hopefully someone will see your problem and respond sorry I could be more help but I know there is a way through file manager and the computer it was a long time ago and I tried it a couple years ago but didn’t have any success so went and bought a fire stick which is now becoming useless so now I got to go buy onn
system soon

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