Sharing Your Credit Card With a Shady Pirate IPTV Service Isn’t a Brilliant Idea * TorrentFreak
Just more proof that you should use a low or limited funds dummy dedicated CC to make these kinds of transactions.
I have one I use that I do not keep more than $500 bucks in it at any time. I also, have it set to send me a text an email when ANY purchase is made.
Btw, most of the time I only may have about $100 bucks sitting in my balance. If I need more money in that account. I just transfer what I need. Been doing it this way for many, many years.
The only real negative I have encountered with iptv services is all the spam I end up getting from the email I give them. Fortunately, I also only use a dummy email for these types of subs.
Fyi, that China iptv service everyone was hyping on a few months ago is one of the biggest culprits for spamming.
TRUE DAT…I also have an email dedicated to iptv services only
Yup. I have a card I didn’t use anymore and I was able to setup purchase limits on it. Any purchase over $100 automatically gets blocked and I get notified.
The use of a Visa gift card would also work. Get anywhere for a few dollars and use it to buy IPTV subs. Most are reloadable so tha t would be used for renewals
There are a couple on that list that were mentioned here. One was even recommended. Gemini Streams was one of them.
SMH…use Crypto and be done with it…ZERO worries…FU ACE and DCA!
So if they burn you while you’re using crypto how do u get your money back?
You don’t.
been paying with Bitcoin for almost a year now and HAVEN’T been “burned” . if you know how to pay with crypto you WON’T get burned…it really isn’t that difficult. most all wallets use Q codes to make payments so all you do is scan the Q code and the RIGHT amount is sent.
If you buy a product with bitcoin, rather be a IPTV sub or any other product and they don’t deliver how to get your money back?
i ONLY use Bitcoin to purchase my Two “Services” AND RD which i have been using for three years now so i KNOW who i’m dealing with and they have never NOT delivered…i don’t use bitcoin for ANYTHING else.i haven’t had to request a refund of anything i used bitcoin to pay for so i guess i’ll cross that road when i get to it.