Road House 2024

Best line in the movie IMHO while Jake and Connor were beating the stuffing out of each other and rolling around on the floor……”That piano is out of tune.”

I watched it,thought it was good,but didn’t really remind me of the original

I don’t like watching remakes when the original is still good and not outdated. I feel the same way about The Longest Yard.

Absolutely one of the worst movies I have seen…love Jake, but come on, you can do better!

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Agree not as good as original but then again how does anyone replace a great casting job…PS and SE. , they were perfect for that movie !

Agree. Jake not near as athletic as Patrick. Fight scenes in the original were far superior. And you can never go wrong with Sam Elliot!

It was OK but seems like the fight scenes were extremely dark and hard to see on my TV.