Rii I8+ Back Button Equivalent

Bought a Rii mini I8+ remote for making typing easier when using my firestick. After a brief learning curve, ran into an (user) issue that I am looking for an answer to.
What is the Rii i8 keyboard equivalent of the factory firestick BACK button?
Especially when in Silk browser. Not exactly handy when I have to grab the original remote just to back up a page.
Any other tricks that would be handy to know?

There should be a back arrow button on the right side of the Rii keyboard pad.

I thought that’s what worked for me.

I’ve since switched to using a Rii K25.

@mthr1 Are you happy with the K25? What box are you using it with? Was it hard to program? Thanks

The one that always worked as a go back button for me is (Esc)

PapaS is right, it’s either the escape key or on the right side second button from top, Back Del .


Yes - very happy with it. The air mouse feature works well also.

I use it on a Shield Pro.

@PapaS is correct. I just tested - ESC works as the back button.

…but so does the [BACK] button also.

This is, again, using it on my Shield Pro. I’m guessing the firestick would act similarly.

Excuse the dust - it’s been sitting idle for quite a while. :yum:

Yup. I use it on both my 4K Max and Shield Pro. Saves a ton of button clicking, that’s why I mentioned it. I love the mini KB for entering Playlist URLs and creds. Way easier. I also use it when the darn Shield remote occasionally disconnects. Nice and easy backup.