Real Debrid - No Links Found

I’m having the same problem and i have a paid real debrid account. When i select a movie it shows lots of paid and free links. As soon as i select a link it goes through the entire list and says no link found. I am using the crew and all links are activated.

If your RD is up to date and active, maybe try clearing cache/force stopping Kodi. Maybe even restart/reset modem and your box/stick. Also make sure Crew is up to date, Kodi is up to date. Clear cache in Kodi also…These all seem trivial, but they have fixed many a problem for me in the past lol.

Make sure your real debrid is up-to-date.
Re authorize your account on the app/apk you are using
Delete your devices in real-debrids website and re add them
Make sure they are added in real debrid.

These steps are a must and will solve the issue 9 out of 10 times. Also check real debrids Twitter for status updates.

Lets not topic steal here


If you don’t want to pay for a premium debrid service then download Nightwing from Magnetic. You wont get links for 4k or 1080, but will get great 720 links.

Real debrid with seren is solid. High quality links and definitely worth the money. You can buy RD by the month to try it.

I’ve had the same experience with Crew and paid version of RD occasionally on Firebox. Pressing select and looking for a source a 2nd time has worked. When it hasn’t, I have reauthorized RD, exited out of Kodi, cleared the cache, and opened Kodi again. Usually works.

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“Clear cache and stream on”

Real debrid is so cheap, $3/month.

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