Hello Guys,
Just installed the “Remote ADB” app on several Fire-sticks and installed the codes from the video ( Supercharge Firestick & Android TV/Google TV Launcher Speed - UPDATED). Previous to using the sleep function, when I shut down, I use the background app to force close any apps that I don’t need to keep running in the background. Currently the only apps I leave running are my VPN and the Debloat Toolbox. My first question is once the commands are initiated and saved in the Debloat Toolbox do I need to leave it running. ( I know that the Fire-stick unchecks alot of my boxes, I just recheck every time I turn on).
My primary question is do I need to leave the Remote ADB running in the background after the codes have been installed to keep them functioning or Can I Shut Down?
Once the Shell commands have been entered you have altered the original code parameters and leaving the shell running does nothing. You can shut it off, same for the debloat tool, once you check a box it remains active unless, as in the case of Amazon, they have made some of the commands inoperable as the original code is in a “protected” module.
Thank you for your input.
Just for knowledge: If I wanted to change or return to the original speed, do I just go into the app, and type in the same commands with the original speed, which I believe was 1.0.
Please Advise
Speed? Are you referring to page transitions etc.? If so then I have Developer options enabled and use that interface for those 3 settings and set them to .5
The stick needs the Remote ADB installed to change those speeds.
The ONN devices have that option installed already.
Thank you
You can use the Developer options to change them as well. Several ways to do it, not just the ADB Shell.
I do appreciate your help and input
That’s what we’re here for. Merry Christmas
to you and yours.
Merry Christmas to you Miki. I hope you are spending it in Mexico! MN is the US version of the Great White North, and I know it’s snowy sentimental, but I’d rather be in Mexico.
Nope, back here in Canada. lol.
I was watching some HDTV fix it up show where they were on an island off Vancouver. I about shat myself when I saw they had palm trees! What are you not telling us?
I thought you knew Marijuana is legal in Canada. We have palm trees everywhere, but I don’t like frozen coconuts.
Hello Miki,
Regarding my previous query concerning which apps I can turn off in the Background app. when I am turning the device’s off.
I’ve got a couple of the Walmart ONN devices.
Both are set up with Launcher Manager and Wolf Launcher.
Up to now when I shut down device, I have been leaving my VPN on in Background Apps (consider that critical) and I have been leaving on Wolf Launcher.
Can I force stop Wolf Launcher in Background apps and than shut down without creating a problem?
Appreciate any advise,
I believe force stopping Wolf may cause issues. I don’t have or use ONN so can’t experiment with it. When I used Wolf a long while back I always used the launcher manager to switch between the stock and Wolf.
Thank You Miki,
I do force shut Launcher Manager, if I have used it, at shutdown but I’ve be apprehensive about shutting Wolf down because as I see it Wolf is creating my home page using Launcher Manager.
So at this point, procedure will be to not shut down Wolf Launcher in background Apps and Procedures when I shut down device.
Much Appreciation
I follow all the instructions for the Supercharge Firestick & Android TV/Google TV Launcher Speed and I get a fail. Any suggestions
A post was merged into an existing topic: Amazon blocks ADB Debugging, rendering many apps useless