Can someone please provide some clarity and a solution for the unexpected error with the Pluto TV Add-on?

Don’t know anything about the Kodi addon, but the Pluto m3u8 from (i.mjh) Matt Huisman was taken down by the iptv police.

Okay thanks for the info

Are you trying to watch pluto as TV Guide type setup in Kodi? Using PVR and EPG or just going to the addon?

I was having the problem under the PVR/EPG setup but if i go to the addon directly it still works. Just a pain finding the channels.

I’m using a build so not sure if that makes a difference but I i can still access Pluto on the main page outside of kodi too.

Actually both I tried the PVR Guide and also Pluto TV addon and I get the same error. It only worked once for me and that was when I downloaded the addon.
I’ve even tried resetting the addon multiple times but unfortunately it’s still the same.

With DMCA notices flying around like a flock of seagulls, for Pluto playlists and addons, it’s likely that the addon has been taken down.

I have 2 Pluto add ons on my build. Versions 1.6.3 and 0.6.2


Just checked.
1.6.3 works as addon
0.6.2 gives error message.

I have no idea how to get the one that is working. It came with the build. Diggz xenon plus if you are interested.

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Is there something wrong with using the pluto app instead of using it in Kodi ?
Reason I ask you is i am pretty sure you know the answer. TIA

No reason at all, other than the M3U8 did not have ads and the app does.