Playback failed on EPG

Hi. Just loaded Kodi 21 and 3 addons + EPG using Troy’s video. Error message “Playback failed” spears when trying to connect to any/all channels. Any help please?

Just to verify. EPG is an Electronic Program Guide and does not contain playable links, only channel info, usually in XML format. Playlists contain the channel links and can only be manipulated or fixed by your IPTV supplier. Playlists are usually Xtreme codes or M3U. Xtreme codes provide a URL to the list as well as your login name and password. M3U playlists you enter the playlist URL and your name and password, as well as your EPG URL in seperate areas. M3U8 contains an integrated xml file with an epg saving you a step. If you entered a free M3U8 playlist then if you could tell us which one that is I can test it for you. Just do not post any URLs from unverified sources please.

Hi Miki
Thank you for the speedy reply. As soon as I read your advice the “light bulb” came on and things became clear. Thank you again. Tom

You are most welcome. Were you able to resolve the Kodi playback issue? I’ m not a Kodi guy but I think under the Kodi section there are a number of posts regarding your very issue. Anything else you need or if there’s something we can help with, don’t hesitate to ask and you can always Pm me.

Are you trying to watch IPTV (Live TV Channels) on KODI? If you are getting a playback failed message that is normal. Live TV is not dependable on KODI. Best bet is to get a paid IPTV service

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Thanks again Miki. Just been able to try Kodi but every time I click on an add on I am thrown back to my Firestick menu!

Not sure what your issue is. @MarkxG is the Kodi person I defer to as I don’t do Kodi. However I would like to point out that #1 on a firestick you should consider only using a fork with as few addons as possible due to space constraints #2 do not put Kodi on an added USB Drive as Kodi is resource intense and the stick needs to communicate as quickly as possible with the Kodi app for smooth and fast I/O operations.