Subtitles Won't Download

Using Kodi skin and Twilight, just no build.
I hate there being so many addons when one good working addon is sufficient. Twilight has been phenomenal and I love the setup.
I don’t know. Maybe I can find a small build.


I do have the same problem here. Kodi Vanilla (no builds) with A4k and subsloader. Please try the following. Go to domain (not org) then click on login and select import account from Follow the instructions and create your account. Then use it again with your addons.


Just a thought…

Could it be the Twilight Add on? Never used it before.

Also, what version of A4k are you using. My build has version 3.10.0 installed. Maybe you need to update.

Sorry i am not much help but just giving you info with what i am experiencing.

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The A4k version I have is also 3.10.0 `a4kSubtitle repository.
Was working great last week in Twilight.

I’m in the process of checking out the RealDebrid links I’m downloading. Are finding that some pull the a4k while others don’t. I want to download at least 50 links and see hoiw they interact before I can know for sure. But it could be the links.

Thank you so much. Appreciate your time on this.

Will try that. I do have an account with them.
Thank you… Will let ya know how it goes.

That seems to have done the trick…
I can’t tell y’all how much I appreciate you and your help. Great job :pray:t2:
Working perfectly…
Thank you ever so much…

The solution for me was to signup for I then configured it and got my subtitles back. Thanks to all who helped.


I have tried signing in to but keep getting a 503 error, anyone help with this.

Glad to be of help.

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thanks so much, it’s not perfect but I can get by with subtitle offset
Thank You

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Everything working smoothly again Thank You.
You guys are great.

Normally its a simple browser cleaning, cache & cookies. Not having any issues myself. Make sure your sign in info is correct, that could also trigger an error.

Yes I have. Appeared a few days ago. I paid my $15 VIP membership for 12 months and all working again.

This solution worked perfectly for us. Thank you.

You’re welcome. Just like the “blind squirrel” I am! lol. I’m very much a novice and give credit to those others here.


I was going nuts trying to get it to work and couldn’t! I’m so glad that others have reported the same results. They want you to pay for a VIP membership. No way.

Were you able to register with Worked like a charm for me.


Back when Kodi 16 in respiratory (Kodi subtitles) there was 4ksubs it was awesome but as of late wasn’t there by chance I found it. Since I always get help herei want to add the responsibility for anyone looking for the best.

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I recently went through hell on earth trying to find working subs for season 2 of The Terror. I wound up finding another torrent that had a good set and downloaded that one instead. But a good sub app is a blessing, thanks!

Thank you I was so happy because it searches several great subtitles u have to go to settings n put ur opensu tilis username n password enjoy