ONN bricked after a few weeks

If you want to have easy access to wallpapers or any files you want at all times on any device, it’s very simple to get a free mediafire account, upload your wallpapers or files to it and then add the address of your mediafire folder as a favorite in the Downloader app on your ONN box or any other box. This is all free.


I believe the person wants to transfer images from their iPhone. It seems the ‘Wireless File Manager’ does not work with iPhones.

Android Phone, Tablets, Android TVs, Fire TVs, Fire Tablets, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

I don’t have an iphone. But it is my understanding that Wireless File Manager works from any browser. Can you confirm neither safari or chrome will not transfer files when on an iphone?

I don’t own or use anything Apple.

Tbh, I have never heard of them before your post. I went to their website and that is where my information came from.

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So you saw it works from any browser. The app is installed on the ONN or firestick, not the iphone.

I saw this

Listen it doesn’t matter to me whether that Wireless File Manager works or doesn’t. I supplied a link for his iPhone that apparently does work. He can try them both or not. It’s up to him.

get photos from iPhone to the onn box over the air

Walmart replaces it take it back

Sound like a lot of hooplah for one app. My motto is KISS (keep it simple stupid). Just sayin!

Agree whole hardily, ONN with the Google TV is a steal for 19.00 now on sale for 14.88.

It sure is. But that’s the way Onn set it up and for those wanting to possibly revive their Onn it does work in some cases. Better than wasting money as trying is free.

Before anyone gets too excited, lol, it is the stick and not the box that is priced at 14.88. Box is still holding steady at 19.88.

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For a differential of $5, I still don’t see the innate value (aside from using them as stocking stuffers, secret Santa gifts, office/work holiday gifts, etc.) of getting the stick over the 4k box. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Sticks are sticks because of the esthetics of hiding offending wires.

Boxes do a much better job in general in handling heat.

Pro tip with the ONN box:
If you can find a way of setting it up on an edge, it runs much cooler even if you don’t use a fan.


I dangle my Onn boxes like a Chromecast.

I use a short 6 inch HDMI cable.

Great advice @elginherd . I found the Shield Pro to be the same. I have it free standing on it’s edge. TX.

…and of course, let’s not forget the occasional blowing out of the dust within the shield chassis.

No active cooling in the Onn box of course. :yum:

Terrific and thank you, thought it was a goner but this worked.

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