ONN Box android/data folder access

i have tried all three from the youtube videos like 2 years ago. prob worked then but not now

It was fv damn, thatā€™s why it had some thumbs down ā€¦ (On revanced) well I guess we wait. Has to be a way with adb shell. Just need the right commands.

All this permission talk reminds me of why I like stock android :thinking:

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Yeah why do they all kill there sale by putting walls up and forcing you to stay in bounds. That is the reason I will never buy an apple product. Could you imagine buying a car and being told what stereo you could put in itā€¦ And what in the hell is with the storage? They all do itā€¦ A thumb drive 32 g is $10 what is with 8g or 5 g? Who is building this stuff. Idiots?

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LOL, Iā€™ve asked those same questions myself. I think sometimes developers can be extremely brilliant but have no common sense.

Give me one day in the lab I would build you the coolest most versatile most UI friendly no walls No Boundaries Android TV box youā€™ve ever seen in your life they would fly off the shelf

Send in your application to Amazon and Apple. :grinning: :+1: :wink:
Couldnā€™t build an Android box at Apple, but maybe you could common sense a few things into existence. Youā€™re probably too young to remember, however there was an internet company called AOL that was jusssst like Apple as far as being limited to what you could and couldnā€™t use. Proprietary apps, browsers, etc.

Lol Iā€™m not that young and I still have my AOL emailā€¦ I was building jerold cable boxes in the early 80s to descrabble cable. Lol

Oh lordy, I was doing Scientific Atlantas and Tocoms! :astonished: Was in the 90ā€™s though

@ssbayman Are you still experiencing the problem? I figured out a solution if the sole purpose is upload custom *.xml files to the kodi/.kodi/userdata directory.

First you have to backup and clear the data from the kodi app. Then after itā€™s clear, you go to Settings ā†’ Apps ā†’ Kodi ā†’ Permissions ā†’ Files and Media. Then select Allow management of all files

After that you have to create a xbmc_env.properties Here is the instructions:

My file looked like this:


Then you upload that file to the root of the sdcard.

adb push xbmc_env.properties /sdcard

After uploading you can adb shell into the onn device and make the kodi_data directory. Once that is made, you can open kodi and all the kodi data file will be written to that directory instead of /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/ . Now you should be able to push your customized data and your backup files to the new location.

I feel like weā€™ve gotten away from the real question in the OP. What exactly is it you are trying to accomplish with Kodi? If you are trying to move a custom build from one device to another, thatā€™s super simple. Just download the crew wizard or any other wizard and create a full backup to a zip file then restore it on another device using the same wizard. Also, Iā€™m pretty sure there is a way to change file access permissions within X-plore. Iā€™ve done it.

Edit: There is a catch though. You do have to go through your OS settings into the app permissions and allow Kodi full access to data at all times, not just when running.