Official APK and mod extra

When downloading APK I see an official version and Mod Extra. What is the difference? Thank you

Would help if we knew what app you are referring to.

The official version of the APK would have Ads. The mod one they removed the ad. And the mod one will not update. You have to do that, manually.

Sorry, I did not mention the name because I did not know we could. It was BeeTV and Cinema. Thank you

i always use modded apps cant stand the adds ps they work fine


Thank you, and nothing wrong with naming apps. As @pirate77 has mentioned modded apps are just that “modified”. Often by another developer who has decompiled the code and removed such things as “trackers” and “ad” modules that are contained in the “Official” version.


I’ve tried several “Mod” apps (including BeeTV) and they still have ads. I suspect there’s something none-too-kosher going on in the background with these modded apps.

the ones i have are perfect but you have to search for the good ones takes a while but worth it i tried a few before i got the ones that worked

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