Nova Launcher on tablets or phone

Has anybody ever install the Nova Launcher on their phone or tablet, and how did it work for you.

I installed it on my Fire HD 10 tablet, but that was when the Fire Toolbox was still affective. I don’t think since Black Friday 2021 it will work anymore.

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S9 or S10 launcher for samsung work and look great on android phones and tablets
i have a s10 launcher on both of mine and the modded versions available on the net are really sweet!
very easy to customize and the look of it is soo cool!

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My fav phone launcher is the Action launcher. On my tablets I use the Smart Launcher

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My problem is that I just got this tablet and samsung twice upgraded it from android 12 to again android 13 but they changed all my google saved shortcuts (pages) to samsung. Internet. Screwed everything up. I lost all the names of my pages and took some time to change everything back. I thought a launcher would prevent that but Im concerned about a launcher screwing everything up too! :sunglasses::sunglasses:

samsung likes you to use their stuff, so you need to do lotsa tweaking or play by their rules

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Does a launcher prevent that? :thinking::thinking:

samsung makes a great phone but on the flip side they load it full crap that you dont need. I have one and what I did was start disabling things little by little. Its a pain. I eventually picked up a google pixel, wiped it and installed grapheneOS and in an all in one move got rid of everything. I now run google stuff that I want in a sandbox and it is no longer in control of anything. You cant install graphene on samsung but there are options to explore over at the xda forums.

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