No clipboard icon.on my Gboard

I can’t find the clipboard icon on my Gboard keyboard . According to some of the sites I went to their is suppose to be one somewhere. Anybody no how to locate it on my N. Shield ?

Can anybody help me?

Tap on the screen to launch Gboard. Tap on the three dots on the right side of the keyboard. Select Clipboard. Slide the glider on the Clipboard screen to the right to turn it on

Their are no three dots on the right side of this Board.

Ok. So go into your settings

To the left of my sound bar you see general management language and keyboard. Click that.

Then select gboard. Then select
keyboard list and default.

Then the gboard radio button to choose gboard and settings will open for it, then click clipboard. That should do it for you.

This was on my Samsung phone but should be roughly the same for the Shield. As soon as I get set up on the TV I’ll run through the exact steps, but that should give you an idea how to go about it. On the Shield you may have to find gboard in the “APPS”. If that’s not working for you then open the google playstore and search apps for GBoard and if it is installed it should give you an option to open it, if it isn’t up to date you should get an update button if not then an install button.



Tx PapaS, damn it’s cold here. Barely 16°C


I’m sorry but I don’t have that clipboard option in settings. This is what I have in settings. Current version, Languages, Terms of service, Privat policy, Open source licenses and Share usage statistics. That’s all the options I have in settings.

I will have to take a look when I have a TV to install my shield on. Doing the playstore route should have brought up a way. Sorry I can’t be more help but my hands are tied without being able to give you say screen shots from the Shield.

Miki Thanks for your help. One more question. Is their anywhere else I can download a Gboard other than Google?

I done a search an found a Gboard that has a clipboard in it . The Gboard that came already installed in my Nvidia Shield Pro 2019 did not have the clipboard feature .

Hmm that’s a good question and the answer is yes. Give me a minute and let me see if I can get ya one. Got it.

Cold?, Heck we got smoke in California from the fires up in canada.

It’s bad here for smoke. Daily air quality alerts. Throat and lungs hurt. Getting rain today so that’s good.

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What part of Canada did you move to?

Saskatchewan. In a town of around 45,000. Perfect size for a couple of old fogeys.

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