Troy or anyone have you figured out why it doesn’t display the apps you side load on the new firestick max. Where the black boxes are those are apps on the top row.
Please if you know a fix please let me know. I don’t have this problem on my other firestick devices
This has been answered a number of times, including from myself. It’s a bug that first appeared in fire OS 7 and now Fire OS 8 has it. Amazon will release an update eventualy.
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same problem here. tried to load non commercial YouTube same gray screen- it opens, but then when trying to connect my account- I never get authorization, no text verifying. some of my downloads are even blocked
Install Sideload Launcher through TROYPOINT Toolbox and use that to open your apps.
Thank you that works now i can see what im opening
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Are those apps from the App Store or are they from some other venue?