Networking Conundrum

I’m in a tough spot with my network setup right now and looking for any suggestions out there on what could work. I have a Seagate external drive that holds all the files. I had it connected to my Windows laptop and all was fine, transferring files between laptop, firestick, xbox and my Samsung S20(android).

Unfortunately, I am going to need my laptop on a regular basis and need to move hard drive over to another device. Because I don’t have backup and don’t want my hard drive reformated by firestick. I decided to connected it to Xbox One S. Everything works great on the Xbox, of course. But unlike before, my android, firestick and laptop, through Kodi, cannot seem to connect for file sharing. I have used every network protocol with every combo of ip address, port, and login to try and get this setup to work.

Sadly, my hard drive doesn’t have ethernet and my gateway doesn’t have a usb. This of course will be temporary until I can get a much better media streaming device but does anyone know how this could be set up to work? What am I missing here? TIA

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Try one of these - its worked for me before, but of course YMMV. Worth a shot and they are handy to have.
usb to ethernet adapter
If your Router has a spare port, and depending on model, go into your router interface and setup a share. Otherwise, its time to upgrade a tad. Good Luck and keep us apprised as it will help others who may face similar situations.

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Oh wow!!! Nice!! Thank you for mentioning this. I had been looking for something like this but of course, Google has become second rate in search results for me. Thank you so much!! That would make everything MUCH simplier. :blush:

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So I immediately purchased this on Amazon. I received it today. It is not functioning. Not sure what the deal is. I am trying to connect my external hard drive that has a USB cable to the router that only has ethernet ports. I would have though this would have worked. I’m quite confused. Furthermore, I went to search for an enclosure or even a new hard drive that has ethernet and the only one out that is lacking in support anymore and that is the WD My Cloud Home. If there is anything else you can think of or help with would be great. I appreciate it.

As I stated earlier, you may have to upgrade a tad. Here is a low-cost and hopefully effective solution that may allow you to utilize the drive you already have. Try This One! There are so many options. This is just one I found using a simple Amazon Search for “USB Supported Wireless Router” I chose this one to send you because it even has a pic of it actually showing it can take “Storage” which is in the form of a hard drive. Another option would be to try a low cost RJ45 Print Server Attachment. I have done this in the past and made an old IDE hard drive show up on the network (before I had a NAS) it was a quick and dirty solution but it worked. Good Luck and keep us posted please!

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Good suggestions above you might also look for a travel router.

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Thank you all for your help and suggestions. I finally found a much easier solution!! Emby Server. Please google it and check it out. Cuts all the hassle out of the equipment issues. Does exactly what I need it to. Haven’t found any downsides yet. Thank you all!

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