Net Neutrality Return

Good news this week!

Net Neutrality Returns to a Very Different Internet | WIRED.


I’ll take the high road here and bite my tongue.

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Just can’t help yourself from instigating comments, can you? All the time.


I disagree with the article that you have submitted. It has politically motivated content that is in violation this forums rules.


However the article is not an opinion. It’s fact. That’s the administration that was in office when it was abolished. End of story. You interjected with an opinion. There’s a difference.


Cherry picking months, gas went from $3.59 to $2.79 where I live from Trump to Biden. Fact.

Whoever’s in that office doesn’t really have a huge influence on petroleum products.

And Trump’s appointees did in fact end neutrality.
On balance, short & medium term, good for us.
Long term, I don’t know. Because Big Cable (Comcast, etc) now supply content, we do need those guys to be incentivized to produce content.

No I interjected a fact not an opinion.

About your gasoline prices? Perhaps, though in most cases around the US it’s how one picks a month of 2019 to compare to a month of 2023 or 2024.

Regarding neutrality being revoked, that’s on the republicans appointed on the commission. That’s the fact.

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At that time a lot of companies were threatening to stop investment in the internet if net neutrality passed. It wasn’t perfect I agree and policies need to be put in place but the only reason I’m getting fiber optics at this time is because of investment. My point of contention was the biased against Trump and his administration.