Navigation screen for FEN

I am not in the top of the class, so please (if you do) answer simply. I have FEN loaded and can use it but I go through several steps to get to anything to view as a selection like movies, or whatever.How do I manipulate the options within, to have KODI come up with pictures of the shows, selections, and other stuff. Currently, Kodi opens showing the version and it is Nexus and then the page changes to a basic Kodi screen witha list of selections are down the left side. I have to scroll down to Add-ons, then It opens and I Select FEN, Then I can select what I want to search for. Hope this makes sense.

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If you open Fen as normal then select “Tools” , “SETTINGS: Fen” then under general tab is a slider to click that says “auto start fen when kodi starts”. click that and then click “OK”. Next time you launch Kodi you will still see the basic Kodi screen but it will launch Fen without you having to select it. When you are in the movies or tv shows selection pressing left on your remote will open a side menu where you can change the layout to suit you. Just click on “viewtype” and it will cycle through available options.

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