MP3 streams - how to download songs

I’m starting a new project of downloading songs. I have an aversion to paying subscriptions, so spotify, youtube, etc are not an option for me. I did some research and settled on the MP3 streams addon. I installed it on kodi and it is really great, but what I cannot do is download a song onto a harddrive or flashdrive, like I do with movies in Kodi. I found the “music directory” option in settings, but it is blacked out and won’t load. Is the option to download music in MP3 streams no longer available? Is there a better addon for listening to and downloading songs? Is there a better way to download songs other than MP3 streams that is free?

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Forgot to add, I’m using the MP3 addon found in the CREW repo.

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R U still having problems. I think you have to configure the app to allow for downloading

Message me and we can try to work it out together

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Got it too work …

MusicDownload with any browser works great.

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Thanks, I’ll try it.

Ok, apoclines helped me solve my problem, many thanks to him. Actually MP3 streams is easy to set up and who knew that was available in kodi. I know I didn’t, I guess I was too busy watching movies/tv to check out what else kodi had to offer. In case you didn’t know, using the crew repo in kodi, you can search. listen and download your favorite songs. If you are familiar with kodi, it is pretty standard. Just install “music addons” instead of “video addons”.