MovieArk - Free Verified Streaming App

Free Streaming App with live channels & Movies and TV Shows. Available on both Google Playstore and Amazon Playstore. Here’s the correct overview video.


Let me know your thoughts

The title MovieArk and the video seem to be about different things? The vid is about the free Roku app.

You so right, let me see if I locate the video I watched again. Unfortunately, I didn’t save it and it wasn’t labeled as MovieArk.

I removed wrong one and added the correct video to my initial post.

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So is it “Free” or is it not???

MovieArk is completely FREE with much FEWER ADS than usual streaming services and cable TV! It offers 3000+ free movies, thousands hours of classic TV shows

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This is what I see when I watch the video:

I could be wrong but I think that’s for the Tech Doc Channel sub or to support him which if so is totally Bonk. Anyway @Mslea you say this App might have Ads? Why would you watch something that has Ads when you can easily get all this content on KODI or Stremio Ad Free?

I normally don’t, but there are times I don’t find what I’m looking for on adfree apps. I don’t use Kodi. Too much work keeping it updated.

Techdoctor does some promoting of his community. Work the whole video.

That’s for a VPN offer.