Just try it and see if that fixed the issue. I dont recall ever setting up YT settings in kodi or my Shield.
Unfortunately Itdid not work😔 I’ve tried everything!
Hmmm I have no idea why you are using Youtube? I’ve watched Trailers for Years and never do anything with Youtube on my Streaming Box. It could be that I also have a Trakt Account? I don’t know? I long click on the show or Movie, then in the drop down I choose “Information” Then get the menu for cast, trailers, etc. I scroll right to Trailers and if there is only 1 Trailer it auto plays. If there are multiple Trailers I choose the one I want. This is the same in just about any addons
Good point. I didnt know where the trailers played from. I was assuming YT since he was getting the error.
I guess my trakt account plays it for me too?
Yeah you would need to hear from someone that does not use Trakt in terms of how they access Trailers because this is how I always view Trailers
Ok one last test.
You said you installed the Xenon build.
Open kodi and go to Addons (directly to the left of Xenon Plus at startup).
Click up in Addons. You should see IMDb Trailer addon. If not, scroll to the right and you will see it.
Click it and attempt to play a trailer from one of the categories.
If you keep getting the same error i am out of ideas.
Or sign up for Trakt and see if that works.
Mayb it’s because I use real debris?
Sorry, real debrid
Nope most of us use RD. I do and I know @MarkxG does as well.
Ok, it’s got to be something changed in YouTube settings
I’ll keep playing around with it I guess.
Thanks for the help anyway.
I appreciate it.
Did you read above about Trakt? Its a free service. Could be the answer you are looking for.
Ok, I’ll check it out!
I checked a build i have on a kodi fork that isn’t signed into trakt and doesn’t use RD.
The trailers played.
Does it use YouTube to play the trailer?
Looks like the same player as movies.
NO It’s the Built in player that KODI uses. I’ve been using KODI for about 7 years and have never opened Youtube within KODI
That’s weird, because when I click on extra and click trailer, it says I need YouTube plug in to play trailer? Just the trailer though. If I select the actual movie it starts playing
Why are you clicking on “Extras” You should be clicking on either “Play Trailers” after long hold or if you go in through the “Information” drop down you scroll to the right to “Trailers” It’s the one to the right of “Extras” I have no idea what “Extras” is but it says you need Plugins
Even when I go to information and click on trailers it makes me go through a set up wizard for YouTube?
Sorry I have no further suggestions. Perhaps someone else can help you figure it out