Movie Prey, 2022, prequel to Predator

Movie was first released to Hulu. Never knew about it until I came across it on a 24/7 predators channel. Pretty good action.


What no Predator fans!

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It was an awesome movie. Needs more love.

I’ll give it a look the next mlb “off” day :+1:

I enjoyed it,in fact it was much better than the last Predator film.

I’m looking forward to Alien Romulus,as well as the upcoming Alien tv series,Timothy Olyphant is starring in it.

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Watched it last night…if you connect the dots…The History Channel’s Skin Walker Ranch is in there somewhere :alien: :joy: …and that girl is scrappy :skull:


Lol, I thought you all were talking about this new “Prey” movie, I couldn’t even finish watching the movie, it was terrible, and the acting was horrific. Do not waste 1-1/2 hrs of your life that you can never get back.

So which movie are you talking about the Predtor prey or the lion prey?

I am talking about the new 2024 lion Prey movie with Ryan Phillippe and Emile Hirsch, it is terrible.

Yes the lion prey sucks

The native American PREY won awards and is based on the preditor alien mythology stories and movies. It’s outstanding.