Modems and routers

I wanted to take the time to kindly talk about something that I see comes up here and there. This is merely a understanding of the devices.

When you are paying for internet always ask questions to tech support not sales reps, if alot of you are upgrading your internet packages depending where you are what you have and what your getting a few things to look into.

True fiber is from the ground to your house into a fiber modem.

Fiber to the node and coaxial to the house isn’t true fiber keep that in mind when getting fiber it’s a big difference.

Now let’s say you are upgrading your down and upspeed make sure you have a tech come and wire things properly to where you need it, also get an upgraded modem.

Hifi duel band modem with docsis 3.1 wifi modem will be what you need and you wont need a router. The less your internet is split the better (this is mainly for coaxial) if you want wifi 6 ask your isp if it’s supported if it is they should have a Modem for it. You will not need a router if you upgrade to the above modem as it comes with wifi and extensions for hardwired plugins like a router.

Also make sure you have cat5e or cat6+ for wired connections if you pay for more than 100 down otherwise you will lock at 100 down.

The tech should supply it when hooking it up any extra you need to provide. When the tech is hooking it up ask him to make sure the modem isnt locked at 100 down (10/100) typically they aren’t and this happens if you used the wrong cable but it can happen, I had to unlock my ethernet ports.

So if you want or paying for good internet with more than 100 down ask for a wifi router modem. Make sure to inquire about all options.

You don’t need alot of downspeed to stream but you should have a vpn which does lower it, so getting a good connection is important for multi use connections with no interference when others also use the bandwidth.

This will be different for rual users.


Remember this, they can remotely login into your modem as well to make changes and there is alot they can see, the vpn distorts this traffic to appear normal. Now they can see you have a vpn but it’s not illegal. Just can’t see what you are doing. I used to do networking for a big company in Canada so feel free to ask questions and I hope this helps with internet, modems and internet selection process.


@Dracoo is 100% correct…your ISP (internet service provider) connection is the “foundation” for any & all streaming you do…if it isn’t tight…your streaming will suffer. I would just add one more thing, without getting too wonky…among many other specific parameters…the service tech should’ve left your modem installation with Downstream power/signal #s between -8 to +8dB (0 is optimal) Upstream power #s should be below 55dB (somewhere in the mid 40s is optimal) & SNR (signal to noise ratio) should be anything above 30 (40-45 is optimal). You can also access these #s by typing in your modem IP address/url into a browser address bar…mine is…yours might be slightly different…check device documentation or search your particular make/model online.


Soooooo True. Couldnt tell you how many times ive seen people looking for that new bad ass 1gb modem/router… whatcha gona do with that thing…launch to mars…maybe dude you will see :grin: …cough couh can your dial up modem keep up :sunglasses:



Those noise ratios are always done by the tech, after instal he is suppose to make sure the modem is within range before leaving, they have a little laptop just for servicing those modems and nose levels in and out of the house.

But thanks for that input, I only left it out as techs are suppose to be doing this during the install.

They can be edited remotely too. I appreciate bringing this up sometimes changing this fixes line noise. Or changing channels.


The instal tech guy from the isp duties:

Have to install where home owners want it, or make an attempt to. Tech will advise if he can or can’t run cable there.

Hook up modem and test all frequency coming in and out if house.

Split cable if needed and clean up existing hookups if upgrading.

If any modifications needed during install like drilling from outside to in or through walls will require permission from home owner.

This includes tv and internet install.

Always ask them if they configured the modem to the right range and settings.

What they won’t do:

They won’t pull fiber from the ground to the house that’s down by contractor and it varies.

They won’t do speed tests of all your devices their job is to properly configure the modem.

They don’t supply routers or cat5e or 6 cable. If you pay for 100 down or less you won’t get higher on wifi or hard wired.

They don’t configure old routers or any routers to the modem. If you pay for more than 100 make sure you have the equipment required for it including routers devises and cables.

One major thing to do if you are upgrading to more than 100 is to ask your isp for a wifi upgraded modem. Get cat5e or cat 6 cable and make sure your devices are capable of higher than 120. The isp doesn’t provide that info just the lines and modem equipment the rest is up to you.

I hope this helps people in their networking, isp and internet needs


Dear cogeco users

Do not spend the money on their “wifi pods” it’s 5 bucks a month for something that costs 30 bucks. They only expend one band there is no wifi steering/tethering it’s one or the other. And they want a continuous monthly payment. You can get a good duel band wifi extender on Amazon that boosts both 2.4 and 5g get that instead.

Just wanted to make a psa