Ron, Do you think this may be the reason “the crew” ap in Kodi won’t D/L…? Reason i ask-is I’m setting up a NEW ONN-Pro—and everything d/ls “except” —Crew… <>
Its possible however I dont often use kodi…maybe someone else would know. Also make sure play protect is off before setting up.
Are you set up with Real Debrid?
Amazing! I hadn’t realized that Github was owned by Microsoft. So many addons are based/uses Github. Actually surprised that it’s not owned by Google.
Yes… and VPN…
Knew that and in reality—ALL-other github downloads worked perfectly… Just “Crew” will not get a link to install… Weird.???
I’ve had effy luck with The Crew in the last 4-5 months. It used to be my number 1. I messed around with it 2-3 weeks ago. I was chasing some older movies and all that came up were very short (10 to 15 minute) titles. And even they wouldn’t play. I did notice if I looked at the current listings, there were all of the expected listings but I didn’t try any to see if they worked.
Wait! I just re-read your original post, are you saying that you are unable to load the Crew addon to Kodi?
Sorry for late response…been–“out” for about a month… No---- Crew loads perfectly in Kodi… IN Kodi—when i wanted to D/L an APP… it would lock up—and no link would appear… Well, uninstalling and resetting --2-3 times—it works now----even in the Update…03… probably my own error… Been known to do that from time to time… Thanks…
The Crew has been around and working for years now. I have it in a Build but mostly use Umbrella now because it is really fast. Here’s a recent link from Troy that shows how to install on KODI
i have crew on stick only use it for sports app. download wasnt a problem