Memory stick not showing

I’d buy a new one. 5V 2.1A if you have tried 3 different bricks and all don’t work then there must be a problem with either the sticks micro usb plug or the cable. The chances of 3 bricks all being bad are astronomical. I would also try another wall plug as your socket may have issues. I always used a power bar with surge protection. My favourite added device for the Stick was a Smays powered OTG hub. I could supply power to everything including the stick as it had a micro usb cord. It is was around $15.

Ok. So switched out to another 5.2 brick. Works now, but it disconnects my Ethernet connection? When I unplug otg and memory stick, Ethernet connection reappears? What is the explanation for that?

Once you have your memory stick installed and formatted and visible, turn off ADB debugging and see if that stops it from happening.

That didn’t work

How are you getting ethernet with just a single OTG cable with a USB drive plugged in?

I’m not? Not sure what you mean. Have Ethernet connection, but disappears and goes to WiFi when I connect otg and memory stick?

You don’t have an Ethernet cable hooked up to your stick. You can’t have unless you’ve also added an ethernet adapter. So if that’s the case how are you doing that?

For what I think you are trying to do this is what I used.

I do have an adapter, but now even w 5.2 plug my firestick just restarted. What am I not understanding about your questions?

Where does the adapter get power from? Where does the OTG cable for the USB drive plug into this setup? I have never seen such a convoluted setup and can’t understand how you have it all hooked together. Would be nice if you can give me a complete pic of your entire setup. If I were to guess, you have the power plugged into the OTG cable, then that plugs into your Ethernet adapter and then that plugs into your stick? The better way is the single powered Smay’s OTG hub with ethernet shown on the link I posted. Power into it, ethernet into it and USB into it with one micro usb plug into your stick.

I really appreciate your patience w me. Other than multiple ports, what’s the difference w what I have? Will this handle more power? Be better for? Help me understand. Thank you. And what about firestick restarting, even w 5.2 plug?

Sorry I answered before I saw the explanation.

Well to begin with it supplies power to everything as it’s a powered OTG hub. Has multiple USB ports so you can have both a Mini Keyboard dongle and USB drive and it has a built in Ethernet port. But back to your setup. Do you have the OTG cable plugged into the Ethernet adapter and then into the stick? Is that adapter rated for the Firestick? I’m still trying to solve your multiple issues.

I think it’s a pretty simple setup.This runs to Ethernet cable extender.


Ya but I don’t think thats right. i don’t think the OTG cable allows internet throughput on the female micro usb side. . That’s why I said power to OTG to ethernet adapter then to stick. I do think you could plug an Ethernet adapter into the Full size USB port on the OTG cable then into the stick with you brick plugged into the micro usb port on the OTG but then you can’t use the USB drive.

My 4K Maxx quit recognizing any new memory sticks. It’ll still recognize one I’ve used the original one but it will not recognize any new ones no matter what I format it to.

I’m probably missing something here :face_with_spiral_eyes: in all the conversations back and forth…but doesn’t the OTG device have to be a powered one for this set-up to work?

I use to use an Amazon Ethernet adapter plugged into my 4k max and an otg cable plugged into that. Worked just fine for me. Then I was adding so many free playlists and EPGs to my TiViMate that I decided I needed to add a mini Keyboard. Someone had given me one with a dongle so I decided to tidy up the whole setup and I got a Smays powered OTG hub with ethernet and never looked back. I put velcro on the back of the hub and TV and worked like a dream.

Miki, again thank you for your patience and input. I’m going to buy one of the powered out cables. I’ll give that a try.

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The one I use to use is similar to this. My exact model I can no longer find.